elbow instability

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  • Treatment of Longitudinal Radioulnar Instability:Essex Lopresti lesion

    Treatment of Longitudinal Radioulnar Instability:Essex Lopresti lesion

    posted 4/5/15 in Elbow Instability

    When a fall on an outstretched hand leads to a comminuted radial head fracture, longitudinal radioulnar dissociation (LRUD) may result if the forearm interosseous ligament (IOL) tears as well. This is often referred to as the Essex-Lopresti lesion, and treatment has been very unsatisfactory, historically. While I worked...

  • Treatment of Medial Collateral Ligament injury (Tommy John Procedure)

    Treatment of Medial Collateral Ligament injury (Tommy John Procedure)

    posted 3/13/15 in Elbow Instability

    The medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the elbow is critical for valgus stability of the elbow and is the primary elbow stabilizer. As such, the MCL plays an important role in most throwing sports, including baseball and javelin, as well as racquet sports and ice hockey. Elbow injuries in young...